30 August 2011

More Pix from the Past

This is a picture of my sister, mother, and me. I must have been seven years old here...around the start of my awkward period, which has persisted into my near-mid-twenties. I can clearly remember purchasing the dress I'm wearing with my mom, and thinking how fashion-forward I was wearing that retro, 70's polyester get-up. It was neither the first nor the last of my misguided attempts at dressing well.

23 August 2011

It's always good to be prepared. My friend Sophie and I have discussed possible memorial tattoos for whoever checks out first. Obviously, it is my hope that we are old ladies when the tats happen - or maybe while we are both still alive and well. Regardless, I think my next little book-type-thing will be a few possible suggestions for Sophie.

22 August 2011

I honestly just don't understand Facebook's sponsored adds. These are insane.

21 August 2011

16 August 2011

weird doodles

15 August 2011

This is much better than the first version, in my opinion.

08 August 2011

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07 August 2011

Another one for Abby